Harlean Beal Elementary School
Special Education
Inclusion Teacher
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- Graduated from
- 33 years in education
- Favorite book: Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
- jerri.brown@fwisd.org
Inclusion Assistant
- Graduated from
- 15 years in education
- Favorite book: Marva Collins Way by Marva Collins
- dorothy.littlejohn@fwisd.org
Dyslexia Teacher
There are no resources or collections to display
- Graduated from Langston University
- 27 years in education
- Favorite book: The Holy Bible
- charles.johnson@fwisd.org
Diagnostic Evaluation Specialist
- Graduated from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
- 18 years in education
- Favorite book: Rich Dad Poor Dad
- anthony.andrews@fwisd.org